
2019-7-13    作者:管理员    点击数:1561

“读书能怡情,读书能养性,在书中看大千世界,在书中品人情冷暖,在书中增才智德学,在书中得财富宝藏”。2019年 7月10日上午,金苹果锦城一中初2017级第二届阅读展示活动在苹果厅如期举行。






本次阅读展示活动全部由同学们自主组织,自选主题,编写剧本,召集演员完成。Maybe they don’t know each other very well, they cooperate perfectly. 接下来让我们一起回顾孩子们展示活动中的精彩瞬间。

TED,全称Technology (技术), Entertainment (娱乐), Design (设计). 它的主旨是Ideas worth spreading. 正如TED演讲大会的创始人克里斯·安德森所说:你要保护如黄金般的知识,这是你唯一的价值。当知识传播出去后,会以最快速度到达全球各地,得到反馈,得以传播,而它的潜在价值是无形的。因此,思想的力量无穷尽,而李睿琪、王梓豪、李长沛三位同学的演讲更是让人耳目一新。









As the host said, are you afraid of your friend’s leaving? I have a friend and I’d like to call the person "she". She will never leave me. She is such a great person. She is a beauty. She can give me anything even a house made of gold. She can do anything for me. Even sacrificing herself to build my road to success.

As many of you have guessed, she is reading.

First, why do we read? I’m not a book lover but reading truly gives me power and confidence. I still remember when I was still a kid in the kindergarten. I read about a new word from a picture book which is “cucumber”. That day after school, I ran to my mom with excitement and I asked her if she knew what the word meant. She said no. Then I proudly told her what does the word mean. After that I like reading better and more often. Absolutely, reading can bring us happiness, self-confidence and power.

So maybe we read for a better and happier life.

Second, what’s the spirit of reading? You guys may say “oh” the spirit of reading must be perseverance “Yes, you’re right.” But did you do like that? After my careful observation, I found all the top students around me can keep on reading for a long time. For example, Cathy’s English is the best in our class and I can still remember she has kept reading and accumulating since Grade 7. And I know a girl in grade 7 now. She got a “7” in the IELTS test. I believe she cannot get that kind of achievements if she only works hard for just one day.

When you have the ability to look down on others, even if you do not do so, others will look up to you, because you have an honorable personality, because you keep on reading. So think bout it… isn’t it worthwhile to keep on reading? I guess you all have your own answers. But don't say no easily. How do you know if it's worth it if you don't try it.


Good afternoon everyone, I’m Skyler Wang from class ten. It’s a pleasure to stand here to share my own English learning experience.

First of all, English is the most widely used language in the world, especially in foreign countries. I like traveling and I’ve been to ten countries, appreciating the customs of various countries, learning English and its different accents. I remember once I got lost at the airport abroad with my father, I communicated with airport attendants in English. As a result, we came back in China successfully. At that time, I came to realize that learning English well may be the standard of world tourism.

Secondly, try to use or learn English in our daily life, this point is really beneficial. As everyone knows, if we want to be good at English, we should practice it. Practice makes perfect. But the question is that how to keep on practicing English out of class? As for me, I always listen to some English music, watch foreign films and PREMIER LEAGUE football matches with the English explanations. What’s more, I may sometimes watch some Spoken-English teaching on the Internet like douyin. Now,English has enriched my entertainment life and culture.

English learning is hard but colorful, it brings us to another place which is full of beauty of English. Hope that these pieces of advice are able to help you in English.

Thank you!


How to win a football match? For many who don't know football well, this question is extremely simple. It just needs strong personal skills and a little bit better coordination. But behind this, there's more.

The first is personal skill. If you are talented enough, you need to practice every skill with great familiarity. Let your muscles remember these movements. That's it. But if you don't have those gifts. You need to do a lot more than that. You not only need to practice day and night but also need a good coach, a fully supportive family, and a strong financial position.

Second, teamwork. it requires you and your team to build on each other's trust day by day. On the court. Give the ball to your teammates. Meanwhile, every teammate may make some mistakes. But don’t let your temper out of your control, affecting the whole team.

Besides these two terms. When you play a game, you also need to have a certain amount of luck.

See, it's not that easy to win a football match.

It is the same in our study and life. If you are clever enough, or use a Chinese way to say is that if you have enough brains. You might not spend too much time memorizing things and thinking about more ways to do math problems. What you need to do is to attend class, listen to the lecture carefully and put it into practice. But most of us don’t have that kind of talent, so if you're not that smart. You’d better work twice as hard as anyone else.

Well, these are things that parents and teachers have told us a long time ago, and we've all heard them many times. But what really determines the size of your future achievements is whether or not you are willing to do your best for them.


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